The AngelNV Conference starts with a Entrepreneur’s Track to prepare founders / companies and provide sufficient deal flow for angel investors. Founders / companies submit profiles for investor review beginning in January 2025. Investors will review applications and continue to narrow the field until the AngelNV Conference Fund awards an investment later in the spring. After multiple rounds of pitches and complete due diligence, a final winner (or winners) will be selected by participating angels to receive an investment – which is matched by the State of Nevada’s SSBCI program. In 2023, the program generated $1.1 million of total capital invested – from a baseline of 52 AngelNV investors who invested an average of $5,948 each.
Meet a Nevada Angel
Jeff is a serial investor and one of three fund managers at AngelNV – along with being a general partner at FundNV, 1864 and the Sierra Angels. Jeff has been leader in building a vibrant and inclusive startup community and investor ecosystem in Las Vegas and throughout Nevada. The once nascent StartUpNV angel syndicate now has more than 280 investors, about half of whom learned through the AngelNV program. Since 2021, AngelNV investors like Jeff have gone on to (collectively) fund 33 transactions in 23 companies, investing more than $6.7M – which is (as of 1/31/2024) worth 2.1 times that amount.
Schedule a chat with Jeff to see if AngelNV or startup investing is right for you. The general guidance is to invest no more than 10% of your net worth in the early stage venture investment asset class – ask Jeff or another fund manager why and how it works.
What the investment covers:
- $5,000 of unit cost is invested.
- The remaining $500 tax deductible donation is billed separately by StartUpNV (a 501c3 non-profit) and covers program operation costs, Nevada Blue Sky state fees, and fund set-up and administrative costs for the life of the fund (~7 years).
- Additional units cost $5,000 (limit 4). No admin fees or donation on additional units.
- All units have voting rights – 1 vote per active unit with a max of four (4) votes, even with five (5) or more units.
- An extra one-half voting unit is awarded to diligence team leaders and fund administrators for the additional work required.
- Investors domiciled outside of Nevada may incur additional blue sky fees for their states ($300 to $500 for most states)
- Fees also include access to AngelNV Investing Bootcamp, ACA Membership, and two (2) finale event tickets.
Program Sessions & Schedule
This tentative schedule assumes most meetings will occur on Tuesday evenings. A poll will be taken of the investors to confirm or change the weekly meeting days and times. Attend in person in Las Vegas, or virtually via zoom. All weekly sessions are recorded and made available to all registered investors by an unlisted / private link on our YouTube Channel. Each session kicks off with a short lesson on topics critical to investing in startups.
Intros, Team Assignments, Process Explanation, Dealum Intro – Tuesday, January 14, 2025 4:00 pm
3-Minute Pitches, Straw Poll, Vote Due by Friday – Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 4:00 pm
Optional Education/AMA session – Thursday, January 23, 2025 5:00 pm
Discussion to winnow to 10 Companies – Tuesday, January 28, 2025 4:00 pm
Optional Education/AMA session – Thursday, January 30, 2025 5:00 pm
10-Minute Pitches, Straw Poll, Vote Due by Friday – Tuesday, February 4, 2025 and Thursday, Feb 6 4:00
Discussion and Finalist Selection, DD Team Assignments – Tuesday, February 11, 2025 4:00 pm
Optional Education/AMA session – Thursday, Feb 13, 2025 5:00 pm
DD Team Findings & Reports – Tuesday, February 18, 2025 4:00 pm
Optional Education/AMA session – Thursday, February 20, 2025 5:00 pm
DD Team Findings & Reports – Tuesday, February 25, 2025 4:00 pm
Optional Education/AMA session – Thursday, February 27 5:00 pm
DD Team Findings & Reports – Tuesday, March 4, 2025 4:00 pm
Optional Education/AMA session – Thursday, March 6, 2025 5:00 pm
DD Team Findings & Reports – Tuesday, March 11, 2025 4:00 pm
Optional Education/AMA session – Thursday, March 13, 2025 5:00 pm
DD Team Findings & Reports – Tuesday, March 18, 2025 4:00 pm
DD Reports Due by Noon – Monday, March 23, 2025
DD Discussion and Straw Poll – Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Finale Event – Saturday, March 29, 2025
What is StartUpNV(SNV)?
Why is StartUpNV running AngelNV?
To educate accredited and Nevada certified investors on how to be successful angel investors in Nevada startups, growing our local startup ecosystem, diversifying our Nevada economy, and giving our local investors the chance to succeed in Nevada.
Why should I invest in AngelNV?
How much can I invest?
Active and passive member units are priced at $5000 each, with an additional administrative and legal service fee of $500 per unit. The minimum investment is 1 unit, there is no maximum up to 40 unit total amount of the fund. Only the first four units will have voting power.
What kind of returns can I expect?
How much risk is involved?
Who can invest in the fund?
Accredited Investors as defined by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and Nevada Certified Investors.
What are the investor terms of AngelNV?
AngelNV is targeting a fund totaling $200,000 (or more) for each cohort of AngelNV. Member units are priced at $5000 each, with an additional adminstrative and legal fee of $500 per unit. The fund will be managed through the Dealum platform and offers access to the investors for tax and legal documents.
Who will manage AngelNV?
An Investment Committee (IC) of “Active” members selected by StartUpNV and AngelNV LP’s (members). An “Active” member Angel is committed to attending all of the training and at least 60% of the periodic meetings about the companies. Other members may invest passively and participate occasionally in training and meetings, but will not participate in the final selection.
What type of startups will the fund invest in?
How will AngelNV source deal flow?
What is the maximum initial investment by AngelNV that will be allowed per company?
The maximum total investment from AngelNV will be $400,000 per company from the conference fund. Additional funds will be invested in secondary/tertiary companies as decided by the Angels in advance of the final vote for investments.
How big will the fund be?
Where can I find information about this type of investment?
Once I invest, may I withdraw my funds before the fund is terminated?
Can I invest with IRA assets?
What type of legal entity is the fund?
What kind of reporting will I get?
The fund is using the Dealum platform for all back-office reporting requirements. You will be able to access information via Dealum including annual tax filings for the fund investments. Quarterly investment newsletters on fund performance are emailed to the email on record on the Dealum platform.
Can I invest additional money as a Limited Partner (member) with AngelNV?
As a Limited Partner, am I allowed to negotiate terms of the Limited Partnership agreement for the Fund?
No, the terms of the LP (LLC Member) agreement are set by the private placement memorandum and cannot be modified.